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ABA for children, parents and caregivers
Endless possibilities. Bringing hope to families.
Our Approach
Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a natural science that studies the relationship between a behaviour and the environment. In ABA, the term ‘behaviour’ describes anything that a person say, does, or feels. ABA can be used to decrease challenging behaviour, to strength a behaviour that someone already knows how to do, or to teach a brand new skill.
At UPLUS Academy the principles of ABA is the guiding science of our treatment plans. You can expect that our plans are always based on a thorough assessment, have clear goals, and a concrete teaching plan individualized specifically to your child’s unique needs. Every plan will include comprehensive data collection procedures that will be frequently monitored and evaluated by your child’s clinical lead.
Parallel Education APP
UPlus provies not only ABA training service, but also great tool for parents and therapists to record, track data of your training. You can also share the IEP(individual education program) with all the family members. Parents can also use growing diary module to record each moment of child's growth.